11/10/11 19:15
BDZ defends its plan for rehabilitation reforms before the EC

According to him, the inspection carried out by Brussels is a standard procedure, which will not affect the undertaken actions for restructuring the Bulgarian State Railways. One of them refers to the privatisation of BDZ - Freight services LTD, through which we are meeting the EC requirement that a state-subsidized company is to waive part of its market share. The other four measures relating to the staff layoff, reduction of the number of railway lines, the increase in ticket prices and the release of non-operating assets are associated with the need for accelerating the reforms in BDZ. The EC will monitor the restructuring plan and the actual impact of these measures on the recuperation of the company, explained Vladimirov.
There are reforms, but they lack the necessary efficiency and were not realized completely, reckoned on this occasion Ivan Valkov, Chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Transport, Information Technologies and Communications. According to him, in order to come out of the critical situation, BDZ must suspend the unduly outflow of funds from the company and should seek new sources of revenue.
The investigation on the clarification of the number of missing wagons continues, said Yordan Nedev, BDZ Head, during his visit at the Locomotive depot in Sofia. Nedev added that they were numbering around 800-900 carriages, but the exact amount of the scraped cars had still not been specified.
"Over 60 employees of BDZ agreed to the terms stipulated by the company's management to be voluntarily laid-off after being paid 6-wage compensations," stated also Vladimirov said. The value of their layoff compensation will be about BGN 4,500 per person, while the required funds will be accumulated as a result of the sale of scraped cars, which the company will organize in the coming days.
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Публикувана на 11/10/11 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/186497_BDZ+defends+its+plan+for+rehabilitation+reforms+before+the+EC
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