11/26/12 16:19
Fandakova promises no higher taxes in Sofia in 2013
She reminded that, several years ago, a decision was made to freeze taxes in Sofia Municipality as an anti-crisis measure, as collection of old debts was emphasised on. This policy has proven successful. No change is foreseen in the price of tickets for metropolitan public transport either.
"It is very difficult to maintain a certain level of the public transport service, while, at the same time, ticket prices remain the same against the background of continuously rising fuel prices," added Fandakova.
The Mayor of the city said that the aim of the Municipality is not to benefit from public transport, but for it to be convenient, of good quality and affordable.
"The investments we are currently making in public transport are enormous. It is not just the subway, this is also the project for modernisation of urban transport," explained Fandakova and also mentioned the ongoing procedures for buying new trolleys for the reconstruction of the whole line along Bulgaria Blvd and the implementation of an intelligent traffic management system.
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Публикувана на 11/26/12 16:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217041_Fandakova+promises+no+higher+taxes+in+Sofia+in+2013
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