11/27/12 16:17
USA: Bulgaria is a regional leader in the field of cybersecurity
Michael Daniel expressed gratitude on behalf of the American Administration for the high levels of cooperation on fighting crime in cyberspace and stated that Bulgaria has strengthened its position as a regional leader in the field of cybersecurity. The main evidence given to support this claim is the fact that an additional special agent of the FBI will be sent to our country, who will also cover 12 other countries in terms of crime fighting in cyberspace. An operational unit together with CDCOC, The United States Secret Service and the US Department of Homeland Security will be established in order to combat Internet crimes. According to Daniel, Bulgaria has strengthened its position as a regional leader in the field of cybersecurity.
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Публикувана на 11/27/12 16:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217152_USA%3A+Bulgaria+is+a+regional+leader+in+the+field+of+cybersecurity
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