12/16/12 16:48
Over 1.7 million Bulgarians hospitalised in 2012
This year marks the peak of hospitalisations - more than 1.7 million patients were hospitalised, Governor of the National Health Insurance Fund Dr. Plamen Tsekov said yesterday. A reference by NHIF shows that, this year, there have been 40,000 more patients admitted to hospitals, which cost NHIF around BGN 40-50 mln. The Governor of NHIF emphasised that, for 2013, there is a BGN 18-20 mln increase of the budget for hospital care. These funds, as proposed by the Medical Association, will be used for the increase of prices of some pulmological and paediatric pathways, as well as of some general surgery ones, Dr. Tsekov explained.As of March next year, an electronic patient dossier will be available with a personal code or an electronic signature. This will provide a real overlook on what, whom by and when the patient was treated, and whether he or she knows about it. The patient may preview all this on the website of the National Health Insurance Fund, he added. NHIF will handle e-prescriptions as of January, since tougher control on drug prescriptions is needed, the Manager of the Health Fund said. For the first time, there has been a slight slowdown in the growth of medicines for home treatment. This year, nearly BGN 520 mln were paid for medications, or nearly a 4% increase for the drugs for rare diseases which we have been paying since last year, Dr. Tsekov said. He added that there will be no increase next year.
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Публикувана на 12/16/12 16:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/219061_Over+1.7+million+Bulgarians+hospitalised+in+2012
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