01/08/13 18:00
Bulgaria ranks 42nd in human freedoms

Of the 123 countries included in the survey, Bulgaria scored a total of 7.6, which earned it a place behind Italy and Lithuania and above countries like Slovenia, South Korea and Cyprus. The monitoring on Bulgaria showed a superiority of personal or civil freedom over economic freedom, typical for developed countries and especially pronounced in Europe. Problematic areas include: inadequately ensured personal safety (acts of violence, thefts and high perception of crime); tentative freedom of speech and media independence; forms of hostility towards some public activities, for example expression of religious believes. The results confirmed the existence of well-known problems with economic freedom – the failure to provide justice and equality for all. The acts of violence undermining personal freedom combine with pervasive corruption and contract breeches to undermine economic freedom in a major way. Ensuring that rules are followed (which requires rule of law, independent courts, functional police enforcement, efficient and cleared of corruption bureaucracy) is a prerequisite for successfully attracting investments, stimulating economic growth and creating the general feeling of freedom for citizens.
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Публикувана на 01/08/13 18:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220984_Bulgaria+ranks+42nd+in+human+freedoms+
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