01/13/13 16:30
Georgi Kadiev reports abuses in Sofia Bus Transport amounting to BGN 500,000

This was announced by BSP's Municipal Councillor Georgi Kadiev who will send a special inquiry on the matter to Mayor Yordanka Fandakova and Chairman of the Municipal Council Elen Gerdzhikov.
"I received a signal about financial irregularities in the Zemlyane Division of the Sofia Bus Transport Company, involving various areas of work in the unit, and that raises doubts about Zemlyane Division's overall administration and the overall condition of the Sofia Bus Transport Company, as well as Sofia Municipality's transport companies. Following the investigation of the signal, very disturbing facts were discovered in terms of the purchase of clothing and spare parts in the division. For the period 2009-2011, due to falsified higher prices of the goods purchased, Sofia Bus Transport lost more than BGN 460,000, or about 3/4 of all the money spent on this item," noted the signal.
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Публикувана на 01/13/13 16:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221427_Georgi+Kadiev+reports+abuses+in+Sofia+Bus+Transport+amounting+to+BGN+500%2C000
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