01/13/13 17:28
Some 950,000 ghost voters are about to be used as means to manipulate the elections, warned Meglena Kuneva's party
Some 950,000 deceased individuals are still on the voters lists, said Hristo Angelichin of Bulgaria of Citizens Movement (BCM) on Sunday. He reminded that, prompted by violations in Kazanlak, his party wrote to President Plevneliev back in May 2012 calling for a "clean up" of the voters lists."The real design behind the upcoming referendum is to illuminate the so-called "dead souls" on the voters lists so that someone else could vote in their stead in a scheme to manipulate the summer general elections," warned BCM's Secretary for Organization Kalin Tomov. In this particular case, Tomov's use of the term dead souls refers to Bulgarian citizens abroad, who are not expected to exercise their voting rights.
"GERB is trying to outmaneuver everyone with its election-day machinations," Tomov added, citing as an example the fact that the end of the election day was moved ahead from 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. without the required discussion.
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Публикувана на 01/13/13 17:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221431_Some+950%2C000+ghost+voters+are+about+to+be+used+as+means+to+manipulate+the+elections%2C+warned+Meglena+Kuneva%27s+party
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