01/20/13 17:38
DSB to join forces with UDF secedes in time for next election
Nadezhda Neinski and Ivan Kostov, the leader of DSB, signed off on a common platform, laying the foundations of a future political union between DSB and the National Union of Unity movement. National and local party structures will be developed gradually. Neinski and the former head of UDF Martin Dimirov founded Unity following UDF's decision last year to break up the Blue Coalition. Kostov said that the new formation is open for anyone who disagrees with GERB's policies. We will welcome everyone who can identify themselves with our platform, which we fully expect to yield fruit, Kostov said. „Regardless of our age, we are the modern-thinking people in Bulgaria“, he added.
In the creation of a single political platform Nadezhda Neinski sees the logical result of the ever-converging ideas of Unity and DSB.
As a rule, this means the creation of an enlarged and common party, but the name of the new coalition, its governing structure and registration with the Cenral Election Committee for the upcoming general election will be decided on after a discussion amongst backers and members of DSB and Unity. The first step is the establishment of joint institutions.
DSB representatives said they are willing to give up the top spot in the ballots in some cities in favor of their partners. At its convention at the end of last year, DSB voted the people who will lead their election efforts in most of the big cities.
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Публикувана на 01/20/13 17:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222067_DSB+to+join+forces+with+UDF+secedes+in+time+for+next+election+
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