01/21/13 17:58
Antoniy Galabov: 2013 will be President Plevneliev's year
The presidential institution has found a new course of development. The two consecutive terms of President Georgi Parvanov seemingly confirmed the general perception of the President as a kind of mentor figure for the country's political life, as a bystander, a commentator of political developments. In the past year, we saw that the President could carry himself very differently, since Rosen Plevneliev showed that he has no business meddling in the parties' inner workings. We saw a series of actions and statements addressing the need to develop a vision for the nation's future. A strategy that includes a marked focus on young people and the dialogue with them.
- President Plevneliev said his main goal is to be useful. What's your opinion on this?
The new head of state has a specific profile. He stands out as an exception to the already established tradition for Presidents with humanitarian education – Zhelyu Zhelev has a degree in Philosophy, Petar Stoyanov is a lawyer, while Georgi Parvanov is a historian. For the first time, we have a President who is relatively new to the political scene and comes from the private sector, having worked as an engineer. All of this is reflected in the more down-to-earth, more practical approach of the President. Rosen Plevneliev wants his term in office to be remembered by actual results, which explains the scarcity of comments and analyses and the goal-oriented attitude.
- The President often uses the word continuity, he introduced a month of political consultations. Has he achieved a result in this way, having vowed to be a non-partisan President?
- 2013 may become a year of President Plevneliev. At a time of institutional difficulties for the country, the Presidency is the only stable institution besides Parliament that can guarantee public confidence in institutions. The emphasis on continuity and on the institutional importance of the President is an important detail of Rosen Plevneliev’s efforts for establishing institutional stability in the country.
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Публикувана на 01/21/13 17:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222184_Antoniy+Galabov%3A+2013+will+be+President+Plevneliev%27s+year
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