02/04/13 16:30
Within 10 years, SPA tourism will account for 30% of the product in the industry
“We expected quite a serious decline in the sector as a result of the global economic crisis but, luckily, the industry registered some 6-8% growth, at that - every year, both in terms of the number of tourists and proceeds. No other industry has achieved such success at a time of crisis,” commented Sharlopov.
Sharlopov’s estimates for 2013 are optimistic because of the decision to acknowledge the multiple Schengen visas of Russian citizens. According to him, the prospects to the Bulgarian tourism are favourable because our country is asserting itself as a tourist destination for all four seasons.
“Let us not forget that this is a year-round industry with quite a serious potential for development. The aim is for Bulgaria’s tourist business to start growth by 20% a year, like in Western Europe. I believe that the investments made so far in balneotherapy, SPA and wellness have started bearing fruit. In May 2013, a meeting of the European SPAs Association (ESPA) will be held in Pomorie for the first time, which is a sign that Bulgaria is already seen as part of the Europe’s SPA map.
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Публикувана на 02/04/13 16:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223354_Within+10+years%2C+SPA+tourism+will+account+for+30%25+of+the+product+in+the+industry
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