08/18/11 18:59
Bulgaria faces a fine of €777,000

For this purpose, the carbon dioxide captured from industrial plants is projected to be buried in natural formations in the earth. This will be done by companies that will submit applications to the State and will pay for storing the carbon dioxide captured from industrial plants. They will compensate their costs by trading carbon dioxide credits on the international market.
Minister Traikov believes that the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 could be around 15% of the necessary reduction in the entire EU. "No funds are needed for the implementation of the new regulations and their introduction will not affect directly nor indirectly the State budget," mentions Traikov in his report to the Government.
The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism did not comment on this information. By the time of publishing this news, we received no reply on the inquiry about Bulgaria’s commitments to Brussels in this area and on the reason why the fine had been fixed at € 777,000.
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Публикувана на 08/18/11 18:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178269_Bulgaria+faces+a+fine+of+%E2%82%AC777%2C000
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