02/19/13 16:18
President Rosen Plevneliev calls for "real arguments" regarding power engineering developments

Decisions on energy should be taken considering people's interests and these should be effective for people. Billions are spent for the energy sector and people expect transparency - they want to know, they want efficiency - and this is reflected in bills: the more efficient we become, the smaller bills will become; they want to have a choice - liberalisation, they are against monopolies, people chanted "mafia" - the mafia should be exposed or condemned," said Plevneliev.
He said that, now, when the focus is solely on politicisation, the main message of the people in the streets is being lost.
"I respect people's protests and believe that these are held and will continue to take place, within the framework of the Constitution, democratic values and the constitutional State. So many mothers with children, so many people went out in the streets, their voice must be heard. I will defend the Constitution, I will defend democracy, and democracy rests on political parties, and some of these are represented in Parliament. Parliament is important, but the voice of the people is also important," said the President.
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Публикувана на 02/19/13 16:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224653_President+Rosen+Plevneliev+calls+for+%22real+arguments%22+regarding+power+engineering+developments
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