02/20/13 16:52
MRF calls for the earliest possible elections

Mestan rejected the idea of the co-Chairman of the Blue Coalition that the resignation of the Cabinet is an attempt to embrace the policy of BSP and MRF.
"The most important thing now is the rapid organisation of political forces in terms of the elections. These should present their ideas regarding solutions to the situation, including a solution to the specific problem that sent hundreds of thousands of angry citizens to the streets. Undoubtedly, after the early parliamentary elections, Bulgarian citizens will set the conditions for the formation of a Government of national priorities, one of which must be effective counteraction to monopolies. "When should the elections be held? This must be decided according to national interests. According to MRF, it is possible for the elections to be held as early as April 28," added Lyutvi Mestan.
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Публикувана на 02/20/13 16:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224752_MRF+calls+for+the+earliest+possible+elections
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