07/28/16 06:40
Parliament adopted second part of judicial reform, strengthening the self-government of the court
Bulgarian parliament adopted the second part of the judicial reform, which strengthens the self-government of the courts, FOCUS News Agency journalist reported.Thus the National Assembly finally adopted the Judicial System Act.
Under the new texts the magistrates will have to declare participation in “secret organisations” and/or formal and informal organisations.
The MPs adopted the authorities of the general assemblies of the judges by providing opportunities to make proposals for appointment of chairperson of a court, hear all candidates for the post and express positions on the candidacies, to set the number and line-up of the units and their specialisation in matter.
The parliament allowed citizens, NGOs and institutions to file written inquiries, though the members of the parliament and the members of the Supreme Judicial Council, during the discussion on the report on the activities of the prosecution and the investigating authorities.
Under the adopted amendments, before being appointed the experts with the Supreme Judicial Council Inspectorate will undergo an honesty test and agree to undergo such tests regularly while occupying the post. The honesty test includes a check on the declared facts and circumstances connected with the property status and possible presence of conflict of interests. The non-passing of the inspection will be a precondition for following dismissal.
The MPs also adopted a measure allowing a superior prosecutor to be able to suspend, reject or change the acts of inferior magistrates. The amendments set an objective attestation of the magistrates with regard to provision of fair and transparent career development.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270513_Parliament+adopted+second+part+of+judicial+reform%2C+strengthening+the+self-government+of+the+court
Публикувана на 07/28/16 06:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270513_Parliament+adopted+second+part+of+judicial+reform%2C+strengthening+the+self-government+of+the+court
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