08/04/16 06:31
Sofia mayor: Day and night patrols to observe order around Zhenski Pazar, we are monitoring situation around refugees
This is what Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova announced speaking with journalist,FOCUS News Agency reporter said.
“We are monitoring the situation around the refugees very closely. We established a video surveillance system in the Zhenski Pazar region,” Ms Fandakova added.
She commented further that together with Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova they visited the video surveillance centre yesterday.
“I introduced the minister to the video surveillance opportunities, as well as to our partnership with Sofia Police Directorate over the increasing cases of incidents in the region and yet again I required permanent patrols. The minister undertook the engagement to provide such as of today,” the mayor said.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270728_Sofia+mayor%3A+Day+and+night+patrols+to+observe+order+around+Zhenski+Pazar%2C+we+are+monitoring+situation+around+refugees
Публикувана на 08/04/16 06:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270728_Sofia+mayor%3A+Day+and+night+patrols+to+observe+order+around+Zhenski+Pazar%2C+we+are+monitoring+situation+around+refugees
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