09/06/16 07:00
EU should guarantee that Bulgaria would not be excluded from gas transferring system: Premier Borissov
I will not allow the large energy projects go round Bulgaria, Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov told the participants at the forum entitled Balkan Gas Hub, adding that Bulgaria, Russia and the EU should hold a trilateral meeting. Being a part of the European Union Bulgaria offers a working plan. It must not be against any EU country and at the same time should state clearly that Europe must guarantee that Bulgaria would not be excluded from the gas transferring system. The European Commission should provide practical assistance to Bulgaria aimed at launching the new gas hub. The CEO of Bulgartransgaz Georgi Gegov presented the project at the forum and said that the total money invested in that project will amount to EUR 1.5 billion.Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/271835_EU+should+guarantee+that+Bulgaria+would+not+be+excluded+from+gas+transferring+system%3A+Premier+Borissov
Публикувана на 09/06/16 07:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/271835_EU+should+guarantee+that+Bulgaria+would+not+be+excluded+from+gas+transferring+system%3A+Premier+Borissov
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