07/18/12 17:01
EC: Corruption and crime in Bulgaria are still a problem

“Bulgaria has come a long way since its accession. The laws are in place, now it will be important to ensure their implementation. Bulgaria has made relevant progress and can reach the objectives of the CVM, but it needs to show more interest in the reform and work together more effectively than in the past. Convincing results still need to be shown in the fight against high-level corruption and organised crime, so that the concerns of Bulgarian citizens and Bulgaria's European partners can be met,” the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, said on Wednesday.
Mr. Barroso confirmed the expectation that the European Commission will separate its monitoring on Bulgaria and Romania. The next report on Romania will be ready as early as the end of this year, whereas Bulgaria's progress will be announced in a year and a half – at the end of 2013.
The report on Bulgaria, which comprises a total of 26 pages, points out that, during the 5 years of monitoring, Bulgaria has achieved some progress, but the reform is not sustainable and irreversible yet. Progress was achieved by adopting the main legislative framework and the establishment of important new institutions. The asset forfeiture act was improved and a body to monitor possible conflicts of interest was created, EC experts add.
The report recommends that Bulgaria should focus its efforts on bridging the remaining gaps in its legal and institutional frameworks, and direct its attention towards implementing the legislation it has recently approved. The report by the European Commission did not exclude some serious criticism, as expected.
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Публикувана на 07/18/12 17:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208817_EC%3A+Corruption+and+crime+in+Bulgaria+are+still+a+problem
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