07/23/12 18:19
DSB boycotts vote of no confidence to bring down Boyko Borissov's Cabinet

The far-right fraction will not even be present for the vote since it doesn't want to help stacking up the number required for quorum, Kanev explained.
"This motion is playing into the hands of BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) and GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria). That's why BSP is initiating the parliamentary procedure, seemingly prompted by the European Commission report, as if the problems weren't there the day before. GERB, on the other hand, is eager to use the opportunity to shift the blame to the previous government, even though it's obviously not entirely responsible for the mess," Kanev said.
At the start of the debates, DSB MPs will read a statement urging UDF, their partner in the parliamentary group of the Blue coalition, to join the boycott.
"Our decision to leave the hall before the vote itself should not be construed as indirect support for GERB, whose policies have failed," said Petar Moskov, member of DSB's leadership.
According to DSB, the last two governments, subjected to criticism by the European Commission, have brought the Mafia, not ordinary Bulgarians to the European family. DSB says Meglena Kuneva is also to be blamed for the monitoring, given that it was introduced during her term in office as Bulgaria's chief negotiator in the EU accession process.
Officials of the party, led by former Prime Minister Ivan Kostov, commented on the latest opinion polls that show weak voters' support for DSB, saying they are confident they'll be in the next Parliament.
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Публикувана на 07/23/12 18:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209083_DSB+boycotts+vote+of+no+confidence+to+bring+down+Boyko+Borissov%27s+Cabinet++
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