03/23/11 15:47
Government to Grant Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport Under Concession

procedure for Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport (North Central
Bulgaria) to be granted under concession, the Government
Information Service said Wednesday.
The main purpose of the concession is to enhance the airport's
activity by achieving certain levels of servicing, attracting
air traffic and developing trade activities with the resources
of the concessioner and at his risk. The main investments are
expected in the development and modernization of the airport's
infrastructure, technical installations and equipment.
The development of the Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport as a civil
airport for public use is one of the priorities of the
Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ministry in
the sphere of civil aviation. It has been included in the
Strategy for the Development of the Transport Infrastructure of
the Republic of Bulgaria through Concession Mechanisms until
It is proposed to grant the concession for a term of 35 years
and to select a concessioner through an open procedure.
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Публикувана на 03/23/11 15:47 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163139_Government+to+Grant+Gorna+Oryahovitsa+Airport+Under+Concession
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