03/23/11 18:48
The case against Bozhidar Nanev to be tried under the quick procedure

Under the Penal Code, during quick procedures, defendants agree with the facts mentioned in the indictment without pleading guilty. The goal is for fewer witnesses to be questioned and the case to be completed faster.
"I proceeded in accordance with the law. I am convinced that by doing so I saved hundreds of lives and helped many people protect their health," said Nanev before the session, adding that “I remain calm since there is no crime”. According to him, even now, he is not able to understand the reason for the investigation against him. He explained that he did not purchase the drug offered by the British National Health Service because there were legal obstacles and the deal was disadvantageous. "The shelf-life of the drug we were offered was about 2 months, which is absurd. This means we would have bought the drug and thrown it away immediately," argued Nanev. He said it was possible that the British had wanted to get rid of drugs past their expiry date.
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Публикувана на 03/23/11 18:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163193_The+case+against+Bozhidar+Nanev+to+be+tried+under+the+quick+procedure+
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