04/11/11 18:50
Bulgarian President to refer the Waste Management Act to the Constitutional Court

President Georgi Parvanov will refer the controversial amendment to the Waste Management Act to the Constitutional Court. The business sector presented yesterday to the President its request for the imposition of a veto on the legislative texts adopted on March 30. The latter were aimed at changing the requirement for the sites for waste collection and recycling to be located only in inhabited areas with effective general development plans. The decision of the Head of State was motivated by the fact that the amendments are inconsistent with the Constitution and might hamper waste collection and recycling.
In fact, the President did not veto the Act but demanded that the controversial texts be repealed within the nine-month deadline for the implementation of the amendments. The Bulgarian Association of Recycling (BAR) reminded that only 33% of Bulgarian towns have adopted such plans. This will result in delays and increased costs of transport operations and the processing of ferrous waste. It will also lead to bankruptcies of companies in the branch, reckoned the business sector. ''We will seek a dialogue with the Environment Ministry in order to amend the text in such a way that the theft of scrap metal is curbed and disruptions to the business sector are reduced," commented Temenuzhka Kostova, BAR's Chairwoman.
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