05/09/11 21:37
To share the soul

13 May (Friday), 2011
Start: 20:00,
Entrance: 20BGN
Sofia Live Club
Sofia, 1 Bulgaria Square, NPC, subway with the fountains
Working time: 20:00–07:00
Nr seats: 270
Mobile: 088 833 11 93
Singer and guitarist Raul Midón is a contemporary soul singer whose impassioned acoustic guitar playing - a mix of rock, classical, and flamenco- has gotten him just as much attention as his smooth voice. Blind since birth, Midón was born in Embudo, in New Mexico, to an Argentine father and American mother in March 14, 1966. He began playing drums early in his childhood before switching to guitar, taking in flamenco, jazz, and classical styles on his chosen instrument.
Search for “Raul Midon” on YouTube and you’ll find a clip of the New York-based vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter appearing on The Late Show With David Letterman in 2006. Performing “State of Mind” the title track from his 2005 debut album, Midon unleashes a silky, soulful tenor and dazzling percussive guitar style-a syncopated, flamenco- and jazz-infused approach in which bass, harmony, and melodic lines emanate from the fretboard in one slap-happy storm. If that weren’t enough, Midon busts out his improvisational mouth horn technique, in which he creates a bebop “trumpet” solo entirely with his lips, earning himself a spontaneous burst of mid-song applause from the audience in the process. It’s a virtuosic performance, and one that reveals what has made Midon such an exciting artist to watch over the past few years.

The New Mexico native funnels all that creativity and fiery passion into his third album, Synthesis, which he recorded in Los Angeles in June 2009 with legendary producer and bassist Larry Klein, who is noted for his work with such luminaries as Joni Mitchell, Herbie Hancock, and Peter Gabriel. A genre-defying blend of soul, pop, jazz, folk, and Latin elements, Synthesis showcases Midon’s evolution as an artist as he sets some of his more biting insights about betrayal, fear, loss, and the American Dream to deceptively up-tempo swinging rhythms and deliriously catchy melodies.

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Публикувана на 05/09/11 21:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/167970_To+share+the+soul
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