06/09/11 19:17
Gallup International: GERB remains the leading political party

GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) continues to be the leading political party in terms of confidence (31%) and intentions for voting in parliamentary elections (26%), but BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) is closing the gap between the two forces and is on an upward trend, according to the data released yesterday from the regular monthly opinion poll conducted by BBSS Gallup International covering the period May 26-June 2.
The survey registered some mobilisation of BSP adherents, announced the sociologist Marchela Abrasheva. In a month, public confidence in the left-wing party rose by around 4 percentage points up to 24%. There was a 3% - 21% increase in the share of respondents, who declared that they would vote for BSP.
Marchela Abrasheva emphasised that trust in the GERB government (27%), as well as in the Prime Minister (38%) remained generally unchanged, compared to the previous month. In the sociologist's words, although Borissov is stabilising the number of his supporters, for the first time, a distinct growth of negative ratings was recorded over positive ones: 38% of Bulgarians have confidence in Boyko Borissov, while 44% of the surveyed do not trust him.
The downward trend in the overall ratings of the GERB government continues, showed the survey of Gallup International. According to the respondents, the present government is performing effectively in terms of its favourable relations with the European Union and fighting crime, but it has achieved unsatisfactory results in the governance of the country as a whole.
In June 2011, 52% of Bulgarians were of the opinion that the GERB government will not cope with the crisis, while a year ago the sceptics were only 31%. Nevertheless, Bulgarian society does not favour early parliamentary elections, stated Marchela Abrasheva.
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Публикувана на 06/09/11 19:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171496_Gallup+International%3A+GERB+remains+the+leading+political+party
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