07/11/11 18:50
GERB to amend the Civil Forfeiture Act

As Klassa daily already reported, the draft amendments to the Act on Forfeiture of Assets Acquired through Criminal Activity or Administrative Violations was rejected by Parliament on Friday. The most controversial issue in the draft bill was the so-called civil forfeiture, i.e. the confiscation of property without an effective sentence. Under the rules of the National Assembly, the bill can be moved again for discussion in Parliament after three months at the earliest.
“We are drafting a tougher law, which requires more time to be explained to the public. This is the only problem,” PM Borissov said yesterday. He stated that, in three months, the draft bill will be submitted for discussion again. According to PM Borissov, “the several remarks made by MPs, the Finance Ministry and many lawyers in Bulgaria, will be taken into consideration.”
“The rejection of the Bill on Forfeiture of Assets Acquired through Criminal Activity is a clear sign of the disintegration of the GERB party,” Maya Manolova, MP from Coalition for Bulgaria, said today on bTV . According to Manolova, her statement is confirmed by the fact that around 30 MPs from the ruling party were absent from the plenary hall during the voting of the bill.
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Публикувана на 07/11/11 18:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174759_GERB+to+amend+the+Civil+Forfeiture+Act
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