09/25/11 20:20
BusinessEurope report: The EU will need a total of 80 million specialists in the next 10 years

The problem with the high quality and highly educated workforce is not new for our country. According to a Manpower report, 42% of employers find it hard to fill the vacant positions, compared with 34% on a global scale. Most difficult to find are well-trained engineers, managers and executives, as well as craftsmen and IT professionals. Meanwhile, according to the BIA data, a mere 20% of Bulgarian students are trained in the technical and engineering disciplines being most sought after by the business sector. Besides, the lack of sufficiently well-qualified cadres in the healthcare sector has already been felt as well, warned the employment organisation.
The European Commission, in turn, calculated that by 2015 the shortage of employees in the high-tech sector will reach 384,000 – 700,000 people. As a result, BusinessEurope reported the need for reforms. Some of the most pressing problems refer to the social protection and the reduction of the tax burden on labour. The high levels of unemployment benefits demotivate the unemployed to seek jobs. Therefore, active measures must be introduced, as well as modernisation of systems. Reforms are also needed in the other EU pension systems, while some of the options provide for an increase of the retirement age. In order to stimulate the demand and supply, the tax burden on labour must be reduced, as well as to proceed to the targeted reduction of social security contributions, explicitly stated the experts.
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Публикувана на 09/25/11 20:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181709_BusinessEurope+report%3A+The+EU+will+need+a+total+of+80+million+specialists+in+the+next+10+years+
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