08/18/11 19:52
BMA threatens to sue patient organisations for inciting hatred

Regarding the case of the amputated arm of Milko Mihalev, Prof. Dr. Milanov said that the doctors did not know that anything like that could happen because there had been no such complication ever before. He explained that the patient was probably suffering from a vascular disease of both hands. “Doctors have no explanation. Let the society say if anyone is guilty when there is no explanation,” added Prof. Dr. Milanov. He admitted that physicians do make mistakes, but explained that there was no need to ask for bloodshed. “I heard that the wife of the patient whose arm was amputated wanted to kill the doctor,” said Milanov and reminded that we should not forget the fact that doctors save lives every day.
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Публикувана на 08/18/11 19:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178271_BMA+threatens+to+sue+patient+organisations+for+inciting+hatred
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