10/03/11 19:34
Dogan informs Borissov of errors in the electoral lists

“Thousands of Bulgarian citizens, who fully meet the criteria for permanent residence, are deprived of their constitutional right to vote in the elections, and have been deleted from the electoral lists without a reason,” reads a letter of Ahmed Dogan, leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. He demanded a mechanism for official corrections in the electoral lists to be implemented immediately.
The letter was read by Lyutvi Mestan, MRF Deputy Chairman at a special briefing at the party’s headquarters. The document in question was also addressed to Liliana Pavlova, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, to Veselin Vuchkov, Deputy Minister of Interior, to Vadim Zhdanovich, Head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Assessment Mission and to EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding.
The letter stated that the Ministry of Interior and the DG Civil Registration and Administrative Services were trying to explain the situation by software errors and administrative problems. MRF leaders insisted that the errors be corrected immediately.
“The problem is huge, because there are municipalities where the elections are decided by 20-30 ballots difference alone. Even in the regional town of Shumen, a few dozen of votes decided the outcome during the previous local elections,” reminded Mestan. According to him, many reports had been submitted to the MFR headquarters from individuals who fully meet the requirements for permanent residence, but are not included in the electoral lists. The Deputy Chairman of MRF stated that it comes down mostly to residents of the areas with "mixed" population. Mestan gave the example of the Devin municipality, where a voter was missing from the lists, but in the meantime he was nominated as a candidate for Municipal Councillor.
The municipality of the village of Kirkovo, in the region of Karzhdaliy, was mentioned as well - MRF leaders received signals for about 400 persons who were administratively excluded from the electoral lists there. The party leaders do not have information how many are the people all over the country, who have not been included in the lists, but they assume that these are thousands, not hundreds.
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Публикувана на 10/03/11 19:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182516_Dogan+informs+Borissov+of+errors+in+the+electoral+lists++
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