10/27/11 19:41
Plevneliev is 375,080 votes ahead of Kalfin

It turned out that the difference between the first two couples of presidential contenders is 375,080 votes. A total of 1,349,380 people cast their ballots for the presidential couple Rosen Plevneliev and Margarita Popova, nominated by GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria). Their opponents Ivaylo Kalfin and Stefan Danailov, nominated by BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) gathered 974,300 votes.
Some 3,593,751 out of the 6,933,748 eligible voters took part in the first round of the elections.
On the basis on this data, the CEC officially fixed October 30 as the date for the runoff.
The final results from the first round of the elections were officially announced three days after the end of the voting day, although the legally set deadline for this is 48 hours after the end of the election day.
“The delay was due to the late arrival of election protocols from the sectional commissions, most of which did not keep the set 24-hour deadline after the end of the voting day,” said CEC spokesman Bisser Troyanov. He explained that the Sofia Municipal Election Commission and the commissions of some big towns such as Plovdiv and Stara Zagora were among those whose protocols were delayed the most.
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Публикувана на 10/27/11 19:41 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/185143_Plevneliev+is+375%2C080+votes+ahead+of+Kalfin
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