10/31/11 18:35
Sociologists: Georgi Parvanov will not head BSP
“The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) is not a party which replaces its leadership just like that. I cannot imagine Georgi Parvanov leaving his presidential post on January 20 and heading BSP on January 21. Even if he has such plans, it will take years,” Stoychev argued. He also commented that BSP certainly comes out stronger from the elections.
“The party attracted a million and a half voters. It’s true that these people did not support a socialist or a left-wing idea but the result is there - they cast their ballot for BSP’s nominee for president and the party lost with the smallest gap in the history of presidential elections in Bulgaria. These elections were not a failure for BSP’s leader Sergey Stanishev. The party is on the rise. There might be talk within the party and attempts to replace its leadership but I do not see any real chances and predisposition for this to happen,” added Kancho Stoychev.
The concentration of power is not dangerous in itself. It is dangerous if it leads to abuse, lack of dialogue, usurpation of power and if it is forgotten that not the entire Bulgarian electorate but only one million voters are behind GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria),” said Kancho Stoychev.
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Публикувана на 10/31/11 18:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/185446_Sociologists%3A+Georgi+Parvanov+will+not+head+BSP
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