12/13/11 18:30
Georgi Parvanov: Borissov expects a victory for BSP in 2013

Prime Ministers are usually elected by the parties which have won the elections, reminded yesterday President Georgi Parvanov on the occasion of the statement of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov that the current Head of State is preparing to run for Prime Minister. Parvanov interpreted Borissov's reply as a sign of victory for BSP in the next elections. According to the President, "Borissov's statement means that the next political formation which will come to power and head the government will be the left-wing party - the Bulgarian Socialist Party."
Regarding my political future, what I have to say will be said after January 22, added President Parvanov.
The unofficial dialogue between the Prime Minister and the Head of State was opened by the statement of Boyko Borissov during the annual meeting of the business sector with the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government. At the same time, Georgi Parvanov was the guest speaker at a roundtable in Sofia on the topic "Political Leadership in the 21st century."
President Parvanov also had to thank us for increasing the retirement age as of January 1. And if, one day, he is successful in being elected as Prime Minister, as are his ambitions, he will have to do so but this will not suit him as a former social president. That is, the GERB government will do the dirty work for Parvanov. But he, instead of thanking us, imposed a veto on the pension reform proposed by us, stated Boyko Borissov. He was adamant that the GERB Government is doing the dirty work with the reforms which will benefit the future government.
Because of these words, President Georgi Parvanov thanked Boyko Borissov for the care and efforts shown by the GERB government with respect to his political future. Afterwards, he commented on the statement of the Prime Minister from a day earlier (after the President's veto on the increased retirement age) that they will have to tolerate Parvanov a little bit longer.
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Публикувана на 12/13/11 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189693_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+Borissov+expects+a+victory+for+BSP+in+2013+
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