05/27/12 18:33
Tsetska Tsacheva: There is political will for special investigative means to be implemented against the brokers of votes

Tsacheva explained that the buying and selling of votes is a crime, punishable with imprisonment of up to 5 years and that SIMs are applied for grave offences penalised by more than 5 years of imprisonment. "We created a Committee at the National Assembly, Iskra Fidosova announced the prepared changes envisaging the application of SIMs in cases of trading of votes," said Tsacheva.
The Chairwoman of Parliament Tsetska Tsacheva said that it was not impossible for new changes to the Electoral Code to be introduced . "In the time remaining until the elections, we can make some changes, but not radical and general ones immediately before the vote," she said. Tsacheva stated that the Electoral Code, in practice, has compiled the laws which were in force for the different types of elections before. "Its adoption has to ensure that those bad practices of manipulation of votes and election results will be dealt with. I am convinced that we have succeeded in preventing these, specifically in terms of the regions with a mixed population near Turkey, where many Bulgarian citizens live, and I am sure that the legal regulations have produced the targeted results, "said Tsacheva.
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Публикувана на 05/27/12 18:33 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204962_Tsetska+Tsacheva%3A+There+is+political+will+for+special+investigative+means+to+be+implemented+against+the+brokers+of+votes
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