01/20/12 20:30
One third of kids in Bulgaria are overweight

The main reasons for the increase in overweight and obesity, according to experts, are the unhealthy diet and the lack of physical activities. According to the reported observations, children ate pizza, cakes, cheese pastries and chips more than once a day. 57.3 percent of adolescents drink soft drinks several times a day, while 34% of the kids ate fresh fruits. Some 32 % of them rarely tasted whole-grain bread. The data from the alarming statistics showed also that 18% of students consumed less than once a month fish products so essential for the healthy development of their organism. At the same time, there was a very high share of school kids who consumed cakes, pastries and baklava more than once a day. A mere quarter of school children, in their turn, did regular physical exercises for one hour each day, as recommended by the nutrition experts. Besides, 35% of the high-school students practiced regularly physical activity less than twice a week, reported another study. The survey data of our country is commensurate with those of Italy and England.
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Публикувана на 01/20/12 20:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193030_One+third+of+kids+in+Bulgaria+are+overweight+
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