02/20/12 19:14
Bulgarian Food Safety Agency to inspect luxury restaurants and "shiny shop windows"

He evaluated the agency's performace as excellent and emphasised that it was a successful project. Naydenov said further that the inspectors would check the quality and control of food and beverages in luxury restaurants and in "shiny shop windows." The minister even shared that he himself had suffered stomach aches following a visit to an elite restaurant.
“Some of these kitchens are outrageous, and people think that even if they go to luxury restaurants, there would be some guarantee of quality,” said Naydenov. According to him, this happens every day and there are hundreds of thousands of restaurants that do not respect the rules of hygiene and food quality. Since there is no way for all these sites to be inspected daily, the monitoring will be based on risk assessment and unannounced inspections of kitchens and premises for storage of products. The qualifications of the people who work there will be monitored as well. In March, the results of the inspections in the winter resorts will be presented, in a report submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism. BFSA will submit specific proposals as well.
According to the evaluation of the European Commission, the Bulgarian agency has achieved a substantial improvement in its activities in terms of food safety. This statement was confirmed by BFSA Director, Yordan Voinov. He reported that in one year alone a total of 204 tons of food, 13 thousand litters soft drinks and about 384,000 eggs had been discarded. Some 1217 sites were closed. The good work of the agency is evidenced by the number of registered establishments producing food under approved standards. There are 95 companies operating under the standard of Stara Planina, 63 - under the Bulgaria standard and 19 milk establishments working under the Bulgarian State Standard, together with 5 sites producing the typical national product “lutenitsa” (pepper pure) .
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Публикувана на 02/20/12 19:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196038_Bulgarian+Food+Safety+Agency+to+inspect+luxury+restaurants+and+%22shiny+shop+windows%22
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