04/11/12 16:50
Colouring agents for Easter cakes to be forbidden

“There are no dangerous foods on the market, but only that is only if consumers purchase from regular shops, not on the street,” said Voinov. “The information about dangerous colours for eggs and dough is not true, but nevertheless, Easter cakes are not included in the group of products, for which the of use of colours is banned. Colouring agents, based on pectin or vitamin A can be used, "said Voinov.
In the meanwhile, experts advised consumers to be extremely careful during the shopping before Easter, posts BGNES. Their recommendations concerned not only the food but also the decoration, which people used to buy for Easter. Regarding painted Easter eggs, the colours that are allowed are considered safe in general, but some of them can cause pseudo allergies to the more sensitive people. The colouring agents containing nitrogen often cause such allergic reactions. Their molecules are characterized by the presence of one or more nitrogen groups N -N, connecting the aromatic radicals. Colours based on nitrogen can cause reddening of the skin, itching and even acute neurodermatitis and sometimes asthma. On the packaging of all foods, including those for colours, there is always a list of the ingredients.
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Публикувана на 04/11/12 16:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201100_Colouring+agents+for+Easter+cakes+to+be+forbidden
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