02/28/12 19:10
NRA is responsible for politicians’ concealed incomes from participation in management boards

“After 2008, it became impossible to check which part of the additional income is from participation in supervisory bodies and which has other sources,” Glavchev said toady at a press conference in Parliament. Incomes from rent, teaching and other activities are now in the same column as the above-mentioned incomes. This happened as a result of a decision of the National Revenue Agency (NRA) from 2008 when the then director, Maria Murgina, changed the form of the tax declarations of politicians. It was presumably done in order to conceal their incomes from participation in management boards, which are often much higher than the salaries of senior administrative heads.
Some of the ministers who received bonuses from management boards in 2007 are: Rumen Ovcharov (BGN 63,000), Nihat Kabil (BGN 19,000), Emiliya Maslarova (BGN 3,600) and Plamen Oresharski (BGN 4,700).
Glavchev informed of huge discrepancies between the incomes declared under contracts in the Public Register and these declared with the NRA by 11 high-ranking politicians, totaling BGN 320,000. The most shocking case is that of Jordan Dimov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy in 2007, with a discrepancy of BGN 103,000.
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Публикувана на 02/28/12 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196817_NRA+is+responsible+for+politicians%E2%80%99+concealed+incomes+from+participation+in+management+boards
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