04/16/12 18:54
Aviation inspectors to investigate incidents with aircrafts

Ivan Valkov, President of the Parliamentary Transport, Information Technology and Communication Committee told the online edition of Bulgaria On Air that, in the last session before the Easter vacation, MPs quickly became acquainted with the Government’s bill, but the provisions will be considered in detail most likely on April 23.
The specialized unit for investigation of aircraft accidents will be directly subordinate to the Minister of Transport, thus ensuring its independence in performing its duties. The bill aimed at meeting the requirement stipulated in an EU regalement that a permanent investigation authority should operate in each EU member State.
The specialized unit will set up investigating committees, dependent on the nature and severity of the investigated events, attracting professionals from various fields of the aviation in order to identify the reasons for the incident and develop safety measures ensuring that these do not happen again.
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Публикувана на 04/16/12 18:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201345_Aviation+inspectors+to+investigate+incidents+with+aircrafts
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