07/16/12 17:42
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee demands SJC’s resignation
The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC) has urged the members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) to immediately resign because of their decision to dismiss judge Miroslava Todorova.The NGO appeals to society to join the demand for SJC’s resignation “after the first public protest of judges in Bulgaria's history.
“The need to get rid of this virulent body and its internally unhealthy institutional model is a landmark,” reads a declaration of the independent NGO for the protection of human rights.
BHC appealed to all citizens to stage a protest: “Insist that the Government reforms profoundly SJC as an institution, not just decorate its facade, as it has done until now. If our voice is not heard, let’s mobilise and stage protests as free, sovereign citizens. ”
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Публикувана на 07/16/12 17:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208681_Bulgarian+Helsinki+Committee+demands+SJC%E2%80%99s+resignation+
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