08/13/12 16:44
Environmentalists demand the impeachment of Varna's Mayor

The protest has been organised by participants in the “Varna Can Protect Its Sea Garden” group on Facebook. Some of them plan to meet the mayor with baskets of rotten eggs and tomatoes.
“Let's demand the dismissal of a mayor who allowed the construction of buildings in the Sea Garden, who turned it into a parking lot and who claims that the Seaside Alley is not part of the park,” opponents of Kiril Yordanov wrote.
They claim that the mayor, who was elected during the last elections with the support of Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB), is to blame for the large-scale construction in the park over the last few years. Environmentalists warn that there are plans for the construction of a few more hotels masked as public buildings.
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Публикувана на 08/13/12 16:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/210243_Environmentalists+demand+the+impeachment+of+Varna%27s+Mayor
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