12/09/12 15:46
Ivan Kostov: We are having talks about a Blue Coalition
"This is a disgrace for GERB and the Prime Minister, but it also affects us all. Borissov is losing credibility in Europe and we are becoming a laughing stock together with him. We strongly supported the initiative committee to vote "no" on the question whether to construct a new nuclear power plant. Nuclear energy may be developed in other ways and not via the Belene NPP. The rules are perfectly clear," said the leader of DSB.
He also commented on the construction sector in the country. "We had huge infrastructures built. Something which has been in a severe crisis for four years now. Around 40% of the companies have already left the market. The entire construction sector is in a severe crisis and is unable to achieve even 50% of the production it gained in the years before that. Regarding the budget, he said that he disagreed with the idea of the President, who hurried to say that this budget was not a pre-election one. "It is a pre-election one because the largest increase in spending is for social assistance. And this is money that is given to municipalities for buying votes," said Kostov.
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Публикувана на 12/09/12 15:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/218179_Ivan+Kostov%3A+We+are+having+talks+about+a+Blue+Coalition
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