05/12/11 18:48
Boyko Borissov: I have fun when I see the fear of my opponents

The Prime Minister and leader of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) reminded that, a year ago, the GERB party announced its candidate for President – Tsvetan Tsvetanov. According to Borissov, as a result of this move, both left and right-wing political formations, together with the criminal structures tarnished the reputation of the man fighting against crime.
The Prime Minister did not hide that he was angry about the statement of DSB leader Ivan Kostov on bTV a few hours earlier. The Co-Chairman of the Blue coalition asked Borissov why he had not served a single full-term mandate at the posts he occupied - as Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Mayor of Sofia, and if he would ran for President - as Prime Minister. “My service as Secretary of the Ministry of Interior was longer than that of anyone else. I left this post after 5 years of work because the then ruling triple coalition appointed a political management with which I was not able to cooperate," explained Borissov. He added that he was elected twice as Mayor of Sofia. "I became Prime Minister and, two moths after I assumed the post, Sofia got a Sports Hall, the South arc and North tangent, the most modern metro, tens of thousands of underground garages, nurseries," said the Prime Minister. Then, he turned to his political opponents, saying: "Are you not ashamed?"
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Публикувана на 05/12/11 18:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/168421_Boyko+Borissov%3A+I+have+fun+when+I+see+the+fear+of+my+opponents+
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