01/21/13 17:03
Boyko Borissov: We can hardly raise enough money to cover our pension liabilities, let alone find BGN 22 bn to build a new NPP
"The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) keeps spreading these outrageous lies about how much the Belene NPP would cost," Borissov added. According to him, Germany's RWE cited the fact that the National Electric Company didn't provide information on how it intends to finance its part of the €5 bn project as a reason to drop it.
"And Stanishev talks about just BGN 3.5 bn? What nonsense, he is only throwing dust in people's eyes. RWE writes that the state's share is €5 bn, with the German company taking care of the other €5 bn, or a little over €10 bn in total. Stanishev and his men knew all this in 2008. A well-established German company is asking them where they are going to take the money from and they can't answer. And now they are clamouring for a referendum? What insolence!" Borissov wondered indignantly.
He said Bulgarians should know all this so that they won't be lured into supporting the project in the referendum. "That's why there is no other investor on the horizon. It will take at least €10 bn - €1 bn for the grid, €1 bn for nuclear storage facilities and the rest for infrastructure, nearly €12 bn. On the whole. This means BGN 22-23 bn and more from the budget," Borissov commented.
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Публикувана на 01/21/13 17:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222173_Boyko+Borissov%3A+We+can+hardly+raise+enough+money+to+cover+our+pension+liabilities%2C+let+alone+find+BGN+22+bn+to+build+a+new+NPP+
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