01/27/13 20:44
Gallup: 1,500,000 people cast a ballot in the first referendum in Bulgaria’s democratic history

According to Gallup International, the ratio between the “Yes” and “No” votes is 3:2. The data is based on a 100% of exit poll sample at 18.00 hrs, bTV reported.
A total of 60.4% of the voters supported the nuclear plant project and 39.6% opposed it. The result of the referendum is not binding, however. According to Gallup, the voter activity was 20.5%, meaning that the referendum is invalid, but the issue of the development of nuclear energy will go to Parliament for a final decision. However, PM Boyko Borissov stated that in such a case, the majority will again vote “No” to the Belene NPP. BSP leader Sergey Stanishev, in turn, called the result of the referendum “a personal loss” for the Prime Minister.
“The race was like swimming in a pool with sulphuric acid. Those who say that democracy has not taken place are wrong. Some 1,500,000 Bulgarians expressed their will, most of them university graduates and with secondary education,” commented sociologist Kancho Stoychev.
According to the preliminary results of Alpha Research agency, 60% of the voters supported the development of nuclear energy and 40% opposed the construction of new nuclear power plants. According to the exit poll data of Alpha Research, a little more than 20% of the electorate participated in today’s referendum which was held without any serious violations.
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Публикувана на 01/27/13 20:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222694_Gallup%3A+1%2C500%2C000+people+cast+a+ballot+in+the+first+referendum+in+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+democratic+history
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