02/05/13 17:25
PM Boyko Borissov: Attacks against me come from people whose interest I have thwarted

"This type of slander campaign is easy enough to devise. I could make anyone of you the target of similarly malicious allegations in a heartbeat," Borissov told reporters. "I could order the services to fabricate such files for every journalist in this country."
He said that prior to the return of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Bulgaria, Ivan Kostov and Atanas Atanasov were so agitated that they came up to him, given his spell as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's bodyguard, to ask about the former king's political aspirations. "They were quite forceful in their efforts to find more about Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's return," Borissov said, adding that he was summoned by the services to attend a dinner at the Olympus restaurant where he was asked to tell what he knew about the former king.
"Why did Mladen Georgiev (the operative officer who recruited Borissov) come back to work for the Interior Ministry when Sergei Stanishev was Prime Minister and Rumen Petkov was Interior Minister?" Borissov wondered out loud. He reminded that Georgiev was among the first people to be hired in the new State Agency for National Security under Stanishev's watch.
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Публикувана на 02/05/13 17:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223457_PM+Boyko+Borissov%3A+Attacks+against+me+come+from+people+whose+interest+I+have+thwarted+
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