02/05/13 17:57
Tsvetanov: We have reasons to believe Hezbollah was behind the bus bombing in Burgas

"We have reasons to believe that the bus bombing in Burgas was financed by Hezbollah," the Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said after an almost six-hour-long meeting of the National Security Advisory Council. "There is enough evidence to support the theory that the two individuals, who used their real identity, were part of the militant group Hezbollah," Tsvetanov continued.
"We have identified the true identity of two individuals with Australian and Canadian passports, who lived in Lebanon from 2006 to 2010. The investigation is still open. The fake driver's licenses were made in Lebanon. The two men came to Europe with their real IDs. Once on Bulgaria's territory though, they used the fake Michigan driver's licenses until it came time to leave, then they turned back to their real identities," the Interior Minister said.
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Публикувана на 02/05/13 17:57 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223459_Tsvetanov%3A+We+have+reasons+to+believe+Hezbollah+was+behind+the+bus+bombing+in+Burgas+
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