02/19/13 17:17
Sergei Stanishev: Borissov will do anything to retain power

“The civil protests are absolutely justified and we stated long ago that we support the demands of the citizens. On Sunday, I demanded the resignation of the Cabinet which is unable to solve any of the problems because of which people staged protests. This Government has neither moral, nor political credibility. Tomorrow, we will launch a series of consultations with parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political forces, with civil and syndicate organisations in order to find a solution. Personnel replacements aimed at saving Boyko Borissov will change nothing. We do not intend to legitimise a Cabinet reshuffle with our presence in the plenary hall. I want to warn the Government that this is dangerous behaviour which is not adequate with regard to the demands of the protesters who want the resignation of the Cabinet. The most fair thing will be to call early parliamentary elections and let the people have their say,” commented Stanishev.
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Публикувана на 02/19/13 17:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224657_Sergei+Stanishev%3A+Borissov+will+do+anything+to+retain+power
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