01/06/13 16:11
PM Boyko Borissov will instruct members of GERB to vote "No" in the referendum
About the referendum, my advice to the party will be "no", Borissov said. For members of GERB, there will be such instructions - to vote "no," he explained. "No, no, no - to say it clearly. Outside the referendum, we support the construction of the seventh reactor of the Kozloduy NPP, said Borissov. We stated very clearly our opinion about the Belene NPP with the decision of the Council of Ministers and Parliament. This is one of the few issues on which we, together with the former Prime Minister, are like-minded - that the Belene NPP should not be built. If he wanted to build it, he would have just signed a contract in which, like in every contract, there would have been a price, a justification, etc. He deliberately did not sign it for years in order for this not to happen, Borissov said.
Our solution is to build the seventh reactor of the Kozloduy NPP, to extend the life of the fifth and sixth reactors, Borissov said.
To eliminate all speculations, there is no hesitation, this project has no chance. Stanishev deliberately did not sign it because he himself knew that the project is detrimental with its huge price for Bulgaria, for which I thank him; I thank him that he did not sign it just to throw dust in the party's eyes. He is now acting in such a way that the answer be "yes", Borissov emphasised.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 16:11 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220767_PM+Boyko+Borissov+will+instruct+members+of+GERB+to+vote+%22No%22+in+the+referendum
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