02/21/13 17:36
Rosen Plevneliev: A public council will work with the caretaker government
“If the political parties return the mandate, early parliamentary elections must be organised at the earliest possible date. This is the only fair and responsible decision. I appeal to political parties not to abdicate from their responsibility to citizens and continue their work in Parliament until the conclusion of consultations and procedures, stipulated in the Constitution,” underlined the President.
“The caretaker government will work without the National Assembly. The dissolution of the National Assembly means postponement of many of people’s problems. The caretaker government cannot make radical changes because it is not entitled to pass laws,” said Plevneliev. The Head of State will hold consultations with all parliamentary groups. According to him, the convocation of a Grand National assembly could lead to an economic crisis, and, if it is convened, it must be well-prepared and it should be crystal clear what political changes are being sought.
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Публикувана на 02/21/13 17:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224872_Rosen+Plevneliev%3A+A+public+council+will+work+with+the+caretaker+government
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