08/10/16 07:00
Bansko Mayor Georgi Ikonomov: We are reporting a serious growth of tourists in our town
We are reporting a serious growth of tourists in the town of Bansko [95 km south of Sofia]. This is what Bansko Mayor Georgi Ikonomov said for Radio FOCUS-Pirin.“This trend has been going on for several years, which makes me extremely happy. Apart from a town hosting many festivals, Bansko is also attracting a lot of tourists that go hiking in the mountain,” Mr Ikonomov commented. According to him, mountain tourism in the summer seemed to be neglected over the past few years, especially by youths.
“The growth of tourists raises certain problems because of the lack of good infrastructure in Pirin National Park. I refer to the paths to Vihren and Banderitsa chalets,” Mr Ikonomov explained. He noted that there were serious traffic jams during weekends in the summer.
“If there is an incident in the area, a fire apparatus or an ambulance would have tough reaching the place of the incident. We are trying to regulate this with police representatives and executives of Pirin National Park. There are units that regulate the traffic to Vihren chalet and to Banderitsa chalet, but this is not a real solution to the problem,” Mr Ikonomov added.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270928_Bansko+Mayor+Georgi+Ikonomov%3A+We+are+reporting+a+serious+growth+of+tourists+in+our+town
Публикувана на 08/10/16 07:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/270928_Bansko+Mayor+Georgi+Ikonomov%3A+We+are+reporting+a+serious+growth+of+tourists+in+our+town
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