Groundbreaking comment on the subject of fashion, or something like it anyway
„I have a general policy that if something hurts, restricts my movement, or is likely to cause long-term health problems or discomfort, I won’t do it if that’s at all possible. I’m pretty sure that anyone who reads this will agree that this is a fairly sound policy, and one that dovetails with common sense and basic human instincts and tendencies. So why, then, do everyday women’s fashion and grooming practices seem to contradict such a simple set of guidelines?“
This quote isn’t mine, it’s Nine-Deuce‘s, who’s a radical feminist with vews in regards to porn to ring really close to home recently with me. (That’s a rather telling story I will write some day about… probably, porn is quite complicated issue for me, not just as a feminist and a woman, but as a human as well.)
Anyway, this particular quote is about something I usually have issues dealing with and it’s the part of performing femininity which makes the women/girls suffer, endugle painful tratements and wear uncomfortable shit all in the name of fuckability… I mean feeling good as herself, after done all the things recommended to change that self as much as possible without cutting huerself up, bleaching something and the other little treats which no lady is expected to do on everyday basis.
The first time I commented this with a co-student in high school she looked at me and asked me with a really unpleasant voice „Are you a feminist or something?“
I really thought about it… is the idea behind the quote such a radical idea in regards to women?
Filed under: аз/Еneya, бръмчащи мисли Tagged: дрехи, женственост, мода, правила, fashion, феминизъм

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