08/07/11 20:10
Former leftist MPs join the election race for local governments

At least two former MPs from the Bulgarian Socialist Party will compete in the local government elections in October, announced for Klassa, the BSP Headquarters on 20 Positano Str. The local organizations of Yambol and Sliven have already nominated former lawmakers, Stoyan Prodanov and Ivan Slavov, although the BSP district conferences decided on other candidates for these cities. The situation in Yambol developed after the nomination of the Deputy Mayor of Tundzha Municipality, Marietta Sivkova. Sivkova was elected to her post from the quota of Ataka party. It was about her that the Deputy Mayor from Siderov's party, Krastyo Petrov recently said: "thanks to the nationalists Slivkova became a municipality official, but she is apparently too ambitious and is taking advantage of a new political force hoping to rise in the hierarchy." Part of the socialists consider her ineligible and therefore they nominated the businessman Stoyan Prodanov.
In Sliven, the suspicions are that the party's leadership is favouring Yordan Lechkov and this is why it is considering the non-party candidacy of General Nikola Milev, who has little chances for election victory. This is why the the leftsist have found another solution: Lechkov's candidacy will be confronted by the former BSP MP and Chairman of the Sliven BSP Municipal Council, Ivan Slavov, who will be supported by the "Coalition for Sliven", which includes OLJ (Order, Law, Justice), Ataka party and GERB (Citizens for European Development party).
There are disputes with other left-wing candidates as well. An example is that in Vratsa, where the candidacy of Tsvetelina Damyanova was put forward. In an appeal to the BSP Municipal Control Commission, socialists wrote that there had been manipulations in the organization of the conference and during the vote counting. Besides, according to the sociological survey, Nikolay Ivanov has bigger chances at the upcoming elections. In Berkovitsa, the BSP local organisation, refused to support the recent Mayor, Milcho Dotsov, although he stands good chances according to the latest polls. The party nominated the lawyer, Goran Goranov.
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Публикувана на 08/07/11 20:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177296_Former+leftist+MPs+join+the+election+race+for+local+governments
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